[:en]The School Project[:]
[:en]Promoting Erasmus+ Opportunities at Lyceum of Caiazzo
…here we are, after a long time and a lot of meetings with the school, hopefully we made “The School Project” a reality.
On Monday, 06th of May we had a meeting with a meeting with the responsible of the Liceo Scientifico “Pietro Giannone” of Caiazzo where we set the dates for a series of workshops with the students of the school.
Objectives of the project were to encourage teamwork and trust among the group so that everyone can understand better one another’s strengths, weaknesses and interests. Main goal is to make team works efficiently together. Foster innovation and creativity, help the group feel more comfortable and share ideas or concerns with one another and working together for a common challenge/goal.
The workshop had the following structure: After we were introducing ourselves and the reason we were with them that day, we made a short energizer just to made them feel more comfortable. We mentioned from the beginning that this workshop will not be a normal school class but we will use Non-Formal Methods. Regarding the Main Activity, in each class/group we applied different Team Building Method, according to the group dynamic. The whole workshop followed the structure of a Non-Formal Learning workshop: [Storytelling (a. Rules of the activity / b. Repeat the rules), Divide groups (if needed), Implementation of the activity, Debriefing, Evaluation/Reflection]. At the end of each workshop there was a brief presentation about Erasmus+ Youth Opportunities all over the Europe.
We made 5 workshops in total:
2A workshop: Tuesday, 7th of May > 11:15-12:15
1A workshop: Wednesday 8th of May > 09:15-10:15
3A workshop: Wednesday 8th of May > 10:15-11:15
4A workshop: Thursday 9th of May > 10:15-11:15
5A workshop: Wednesday 21st of May > 09:15-10:15
Working with young people it was always something that I love to do, especially with teenagers. Letting know also the new generation for all these opportunities that they have all over the Europe through Erasmus+ is also something that made you feel grateful for making this project. I also appreciate the interesting of the students not only for our project but also their desire to participate in a project under Erasmus+.
The School Project will be one another thing that I have done during my EVS that I will keep in my Italian memory box. If you are interested also to organize something similar feel free to contact me by email georgekritics@yahoo.com. Get informed also for all Erasmus+ Youth Opportunities through European Youth Portal.[:]