[:it]TdG seleziona 5 partecipanti per YE in Armenia[:]

[:it]Youth Exchange: Insights Through Exchange
Dates: 22-30 November 2017
Venue: Yerevan, Armenia
Eligible are 22 participants coming from: Greece, Russian Federation, Armenia, Italy
Application deadline: 14th September 2017
The project “Insights Through Exchange” is an international project, which will take place in Yerevan, where youth of Greece, Armenia, Italy, Russian Federation, will meet to discuss cultural diversity, regional traditions, stereotypes and use this knowledge to implement local projects in their society.
General Description
Our aim is to promote tolerance, respect and mutual understanding through artistic expression of cultural, religious, ethnic diversity between youth from different countries. During the project’s days, youth from 4 countries will work together. They will be trained on the following topics: democratic values and mutual understanding; to respect differences, breaking of stereotypes and networking;
Participants will work into an multinational team, on a street theater performance. They will jointly prepare the scenario for the theater play, based upon the subject of local traditions and tolerance awareness.
Through theater and music, arts which express traditions and roots of a particular region, but also contemporary trends, the project aims to raise awareness of young people that “cultural differences” and “inter-cultural dialogue” are not abstract concepts but events in which they participate and benefit from and may use them to develop their local community.
Using their own talents, skills and creativity together they need to find a common point between divergent European countries. Additionally, participants will show the recorded performance back in their home countries to their local community.
Our goals are:
1. Cross-cultural learning and dialogue between the participants from different countries, with a view to promoting mutual understanding and tolerance;
2. To increase youngsters ‘knowledge about different culture/history/religion;
3. Development of creativity and involvement of young people in civil life through promoting “Erasmus+” opportunities among them;
4. To unite youngsters from different background, nations and culture;
5. To learn how to respect each opinion and break stereotypes through conducting of evaluation and discussion with young people from other countries;
6. To promote good neighborly relations between the EU Members and neighboring countries, as well as to provide space for friendship and relationship through art and culture.
Youth exchange will help selected participants to realize how much beneficial for themselves and their local communities, will be to develop their own interests and creativity. Life offers a world of opportunities for personal development and fulfillment, to make one’s life more colorful and meaningful, with positive effects not only for them, but also for their communities.
The project aims to raise confidence of young people from deprived areas to express their own positive ideas and to use their creativity as a toolbox for artistic expression. Meanwhile, participation into Erasmus+ projects, promotes European active citizenship & increases participation of young people in civic life.
Target group:
1. Youngsters aged 18-30 years representing partner organizations from Greece, Armenia, Italy, Russian Federation.
Group size 22 participants: 4 participants per country + 1 team leader (here isn`t age limitation) from each country.
• The gender balance between participants will be respected during the group selection.;
• The participants of the project are required to know and be able to communicate in English;
• The talent in art, music, dance, drama or theatrical play will be considered as an additional asset for the project.
This project is financed by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
- “ Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered. 100% for travel cost (maximum amount see down).
- Transport: 100% covered by the Erasmus+ program, within following limits: Italy 350 Euro/participant
To candidate yourself, send an email to participant.tdg@gmail.com[:]