[:it]Oksana Starting 100 [:]

[:it]My name is Oksana.
I am EVS volunteer at the ptoject Sveliamo L ‘Europa in Italy.
I think I am the most persistent volunteer in the world))… and here is my story:
Since I was a child, I was dreamer, I was trying to find everything interesting, weird and new! When I saw some oportunity to do something, I was trying to use it.
I live in small town and I have realized I am different.. I dont know why.. but I felt it… If somebody feel the same – go to EVS!
My life is full of luckiness and unluckiness.. for example: at work I won trip to Barcelona 3 years ago, but I went to airport by bus, the road was frozen a bit and on the road appiared traffic, because nobody couldnt drive.. So, I was afraid I can miss my flight.. But, thanks god, I came to airport right on time.
And all my life long the same))))))))))))))) Luckiness, unluckeness, luckiness, unluckiness, etc..
I heard a lot about volunteering from different people, I was trying to become volunteer on Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro, but I couldnt.. Last year I decided to participate in short-term volunteering project in Rome. I met there different people open-minded more or less.. opignions, jobs.. For example 1 girl was working as a assistent of regiser, 1 guy was working as a juggler!!! So, after this trip I decided to go to long-term EVS project.
I started to looking for projects, I was sending CV and motivation latter, but without result. After I started to find not projects but reciving organisations. I sent around 500 letters.. not less!
And I started to get answers. I got answer from 1 organisation in Spain. They told me – they would like to work with me as with EVS-volunteer. They asked me – do I have some friend from another country who wants to work with us also, and I had – girl from Ucraine which I met last year at volunteering camp. They told ok, both of you are accepted. It was so awesome!! They told they are sending this project to be financed and told to wait 2 months. Ok, I told to 5 another organisations I was choosen already to 1 project. And in 2 months I got answer – this project hadnt been accepted!!! We were in shock! I started to sent letters again, but all of organisations told they already choosed volunteers. This spanish organisation told us to wait another chance for this project till july. In july my friend from Ucraine got answer – she was accepted to project, but I wasnt!!! I was sad for tears, because I found this project, they accepted me, and after I told them about another girl. It was so unfair.. But its just life..
In this moment in the past I had a thought – maybe its a sign to stop.. Maybe its a really sign for me to stop.. Because I spent with looking for MINE project 1 year! In life there are moments happening sometimes – moments to make desigion – stop, or continuing.. I chosed never stop and continuing. And now Im here – participating in wonderful EVS project in Italy near the sea, called Sveliamo LEuropa! Im so happy I decided not to stop.
And you know, when I was interviued and accepted to new project – I got answer from first organisation – project will exist and you are accepted! But I was already in love with Sveliamo..
Guys, if you really really want to do something – never stop!!!
First day in Italy we met our coordinator and drove around the town. We were at beautiful coast. There were huge waves. Its soo beautiful! We had a dinner with our coordinators family. It was very nice dinner (and it doesnt matter I coulnt understand something, because everybody were speaking Italian)))
On Monday we started to work. First week we were register our accounts ang gmails, we created rules for our house, was sending letters to participants in short-term project.
On Wednsday we were trying to find something in common or something what reminds me and Andrea (another EVS volunteer from Spain) our countries. I found only 1 tree looks like in Russia, road sings and banner with balet, it reminds me famous russian balet. And we were preparing to lead activities in short-term project.
I started to find the difference between our countries – Russia and Italy:
1.Weather – of cource, colossal difference (between south of Italy and the Ural region of Russia). Here I can wear shirts during the day, but in Russia this time of the year we are wearing very warm clothes (you have to wear already hat!!!)
2.Moving on the road. In Italy I was surprised, because Everybody don’t let each other to go or to drive, but at the same time everybody goes and driving… I don’t know how this system works.. but this system really works!)))) And I saw only 1 brocen car!!!
3.Food. I like italian food, and I very miss russian food (meat). But pizza is connecting people! Finally we found agreement between food))) Andrea (my EVS collegue)likes traditional Italian pizza with tomatoes and cheese (maybe it’s not true, but I think so) and I like pizza with meat.. So, we asked in pizzeria to make “International” pizza for a half with meat)))))))
I am here for 2 weeks, and I know here will be a lot of interesting and new for me!!
I am very happy to be here))[:]