[:en]La stanze della Memoria[:]
[:en]I know, I don’t forget, and fight for a better world
On January 27th is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, commemorating the tragedy of the holocaust that occurred during the 2nd World War.
The city of Caiazzo, our organization ProLoco Caiazzo, other organizations of Caiazzo and the theatrical team “La Fenice” on Saturday, 26th of January the organize an exhibition and a theatrical representation of “Massacre of Monte Carmignano”. I had the honor of be part of the representation and the whole organization. The event took place at the Palazzo Mazziotti.
Restoring the memory of the victims of the crimes of 2nd World War and especially at Monte Carmignano Massacre means vindication for the victims. One more time with the exceptional direction of Mr. Domenico Rossetti, we revive and we recall the memory of this event.
Although the memorial aimed at the Massacre of Monte Carmignano in a way was addressed also at all the crimes of the 2nd World World and seek to concern and made the audience revised.
As a person that participates in a European project I could say also that this was a great way to present European values and peace and justice. I am glad and honored to participate in such an activity like this.[:]