
[:it]At the end of the 2017 year we were participating in event at center for people with disabilities. We were celebrating new year and Christmas together. Everybody was making some performance, for example singing some song, dance, show something they can do. 1 guy sang song “Hallelujah” and it was amazing.. Mine performance was master class to make traditional Russian dolls. But in fact I was just making dolls alone and very quickly))))) Because everybody was watching concert and trying to buy the dolls. We started to sell this dolls and all of money we made we gave as donation for this center for people with disabilities. We realized – this dolls-amulets are very popular here and decided to make more. Next 1 week at our free time we were producing the dolls as a Christmas and new Year gifts. It was mini-factory)) We decided to sell this dolls-amulets at gallery in Napoli to make people a little bit more lucky.
In the middle of December I started my new hobby – knitting. First time in my life I decided to make socks. I think this experience was successful. And I continued to share Russian culture (I made another one traditional Russian doll “Matrioshka” and gifted it as a Christmas gift).
Trip to Rome. Last days of the year and the begin of the new year I spent in Rome. Our trip to Rome started from celebrating New Year in Circo Massimo – the place where in the past was events like riding chiriots and another performances. During the week in Rome we visited different beautiful places. Vatican museum. It’s incredible place. When you look at the interior of this place you feel the same strong feelings as you look at the sea or mountains. You can’t stop admire how beautiful building can people make. We were on cupola of the Vatican museum. I had a chance again to fight with my fear of highness. My fear did not disappear, but anyway I was enjoying to see beautiful view from the top of the cupola. In Rome this time I met a loot of Russians. I felt like half of tourists was Russians. In the center of Vaticanos square located amazing Christmas tree – the best Christmas tree I’ve ever seen in my life. I couldn’t stop to watch on it and smile.
We visited beautiful castle SantAngelo. Forum Romano. Akveduk in Rome (this is my favorite), Pantheon. Fountain Trevi, and threw 3 coins to the fountain. Coloseo. Before we go to Coloseo we watched the movie “Gladiator”. I don’t very like this place, because of the events, which people were organizing there.. I feel atmosphere of death inside this place. But anyway, architecture is amazing.