[:en]Concorso Nationale di Poesia – The presentation[:]
[:en]Una lirica per l’anima
Our hosting organization ProLoco Caiazzo organize the National Competition of poetry. Responsible for the project is Professor Pepe Giuseppe.
Since we arrive here in Caiazzo, Mr Pepe as responsible of the whole competition explained to us the framework that the competition is organized, the categories and the sub-categories, how the juries they evaluate the poem and of course who and how can take part in the competition.
As the whole organization is completely in Italian we can’t support instrumentally in most of the task but of course we help in the best possible way.
On December 1st, we had the official presentation and of course the official proclamation of the contest. The proclamation was presented by Mr. Diamante Marotta and the structure of the competition by our colleagues. The Mayor of Caiazzo Mr. Stefano Giaquito brought greetings from the municipality and the citizens of the city. Prof. Pepe underlined the importance of the juries since they are juried the final results.
We are looking forward to support as much as we can this organization as is an important part of the culture not only of Caiazzo but also of the entire Italian culture. Poetry is an important part of the culture of a society as it’s an internal way of expression of thoughts, emotions and ideas.
We are more than sure that we have a lot of things to learn from this activity.[:]