[:it] Day 1 Participant arrivals, after we played some name games, ice breaking and team building activities. Day 2 – Article about the morning activities. After the “Imaginary Bunny” energizer, the first activity that we made in the morning was the “Youthpass Islands”. First of all, we explained what are the 8 key-competence that we can improve during a Youth Exchange, and then we were divided in 8 small group. Every group had to find 8 “judges”, each one of them gave to the group…
[:it]”Don’t let me down”[:]
[:it]During the 3rd and 11th of October 2019, in the beautiful island of Mykonos, Greece, 36 people from different countries gathered together to discuss about media literacy. The participants came from Italy, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Poland and Greece, and every team had 6 people. The project was provided by Greek National Agency of Erasmus+. In the week the participants took part to daily activities using non formal education methods in order to raise their awareness on the topic of media literacy. The activities consisted in:…
Become Active, Be In Your Life
[:en]On Wednesday 11 September, we took part in the final ceremony of the competition “I Piatti Tipici del Medio Volturno“, at Palazzo Mazziotti. The event was a prestigious competition organized by our hosting organization Pro Loco Caiazzo “Nino Marcuccio“. “I Piatti Tipici del Medio Volturno” competition last one year and involves a large group of people and participants who have contributed to a research and identification of the typical dishes of the Medio Volturno territory. It involved also entities who are based on an economic…
[:en]TERRA BRUCCIATA – the documentary[:]
[:en]a documentary for a massacre took place the morning of 1 November 1943, in Conca della Campania, a small village in the province of Caserta. On Wednesday 04 of September the documentary “Terra Brucciata” of Luca Gianfrancesco was screened at the theatre Jovanelli of Caiazzo. The documentary screening was organized by the Associazione of Monte Carmignano per l’ Europa. In the 1 November 1943, in Conca della Campania, a tiny village in the province of Caserta, 19 civilians were killed by a German military. Graziella…
[:it]Volunteering: Tool for Youth Empowerment[:]
[:it]The youth exchange “Volunteering: Tool for Youth Empowerment” is an activity in which our TdG Italian volunteers took part from 1st to 8th September 2019 in Obzor, Bulgaria, together with youth coming from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Turkey, Romania, Greece and Spain to discuss about volunteering situation in each Country. First experience of youth exchange with the people of seven different countries gathering under one roof and and sharing the same idea of volunteering. Motivational volunteering seminar and activities in order to help orphan,refugees,animals,people with disabilities and…
[:it] legge numero 124 del 4 agosto 2017 (art. 1 commi 125-129)[:]
[:it]ANG Torre dei Giovani 2018 €19951 SVEglia 16/07/2018[:]
[:it]In questo mese, abbiamo continuato a fare le lezioni di lingua nel centro dei giovani di Torre de Greco. È stata una attività sempre bella perché ache noi abbiamo imparato italiano ed abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di conoscere più ragazzi e ragazze del paese. Purtroppo, abbiamo dovuto finire le lezioni, ed abbiamo approfittato il finale delle lezione per fare una festa con tutti gli alumni di ruso e spagnolo. Sono triste di finire perché ho presso afetto con loro, ma con alcuni di loro ancoro abbiamo…
[:it]April, May[:]
[:it] This month was full of new experience. I was teacher of Russian language!!! It’s incredible experience for me. I was doing lessons of Russian language for Italian youth and I was speaking English! We were doing this lessons in the local youth center. Never in my life I was teacher))) I felt very warm feeling – it’s so nice, when you can teach someone or share your knowledges and experience. We met local guys, had a lot of fun there)) I was teaching locals…
[:it]Come ogni mese, il mese di maggio è stato pieno di esperienze dalle quali posso imparare e crecere tanto. Il mese di aprile ho avuto la esperienza più brutta della mia vita, ma ho capito che solo ho una strada, ed è quella di non mollare mai e continuare avanti. Ovviamente ci sono momenti dificili che devono solo passare, ma so anche che troverò la forma di continuare con forza e voglia di vivere e con voglia di avere anche nuove esperienze. Questo mese,…