[:en]The kid’s projects – Centro Madre Claudia[:]

[:en]Spending four amazing weeks with youngsters of Caiazzo After a meeting we have had with the nuns of Centro Madre Claudia the first week of June, I got the responsibility to organize workshops in English for the kids that will participate at the GREST 2019 (Gruppo Estivo 2019). The workshops were designed according to the group dynamics, following the structure of a Non-Formal Learning workshop: [Storytelling (a. Rules of the activity / b. Repeat the rules), Divide groups (if needed), Implementation of the activity, Debriefing,…
[:en]PassAggiando Caiazzo – Visite Guidate[:]

[:en]Caiazzo – Two thousand five hundred years of history PassAggiando Caiazzo created from a group of people of ProLoco Caiazzo for providing tourist services to people that they visit Caiazzo (guided tours to local and foreigners). PassAggiando Caiazzo is a section of our organization responsible for the tourist services. Guided tours are offered in the historic center of the city of Caiazzo. During April, we organize a meeting with the staff and volunteers of ProLoco Caiazzo and PassAggiando Caiazzo. Present in the meeting was also…

[:en]Discover Europe through Erasmus+ Youth Treasure Map From the first week of April, Young people and Youth of Caiazzo have a great opportunity to get informed about all Erasmus+ Youth Opportunities. Erasmus+ offers opportunities to young people all over the Europe to participate in projects, develop skills and competencies, get to know people from different countries and of course have fun. For more than two months we informed Young people and Youths of Caiazzo for the various opportunities that they have. For their information we…
[:en]Fra cielo e terra la verticalità dell’albero – Art Exhibition[:]

[:en]Art exhibition at our beautiful Caiazzo Between sky and earth the verticality of the tree, the opening of this special art exhibition took place on Saturday 18th of May at Palazzo Mazziotti at Caiazzo. Three Italian artist under the same sky/roof unite their artistic powers and of course their talent to present their work. Gennaro Angelino (from Caiazzo) take care of the roots, Antonio Martone (from Benevento) of the foliage and Alfonso Viscusi (from Caiazzo) for the trunk. The exhibition will be open from May…
[:en]The School Project[:]

[:en]Promoting Erasmus+ Opportunities at Lyceum of Caiazzo …here we are, after a long time and a lot of meetings with the school, hopefully we made “The School Project” a reality. On Monday, 06th of May we had a meeting with a meeting with the responsible of the Liceo Scientifico “Pietro Giannone” of Caiazzo where we set the dates for a series of workshops with the students of the school. Objectives of the project were to encourage teamwork and trust among the group so that everyone…
[:en]Concorso Nationale di Poesia – The evaluation[:]

[:en]Una lirica per l’anima In the 21 of March the submission for the participation in the National Poetry Competition of ProLoco Caiazzo has been completed. More than 290 participants submitted their poems in all the categories. After the organization committee choose the poems that they will be evaluated by the juries, the four juries started to evaluate the poems. In January 2019, Prof. Pepe Giuseppe, senior responsible of the Concorso di poesia offered me the possibility to be one of the members of Giuria Giovanni…

[:en]With the UNICEF orchid you make life flourish again at Piazza Porta Vetere, Caiazzo, 30 and 31 of March One another year our association ProLoco Caiazzo accept the invitation of UNICEF Italy to participate in the initiative “ORCHIDEA UNICEF – ogni bambino è vita”. On Saturday and Sunday 30 and 31 of March at the Piazza Porta Vetere of Caiazzo, with a minimum offer of 15 euros we distribute one orchid. Getting involved for a weekend as a UNICEF volunteer made me become aware on…
[:en]Zeppola di San Giuseppe – Italian Gastronomy[:]

[:en]Taste delights of local typical customs of Campania, Italy… Zeppola is a typical Italian dessert that they prepare in various regions in Italy during the carnival period. In south Italy is a typical dessert for the feast of San Giuseppe, at 19th of March, so is widely known as Zeppola di San Giuseppe. In Caiazzo a 19th of March, in all the shop/markets of Aulo Attilio Caiatino offered to the people Zeppola di San Giuseppe. The main ingredients are flour, sugar, eggs, butter and olive…
[:en]Our days at Caiazzo[:]

[:en]The most impressive thing in this beautiful experience is our interaction with the people of Caiazzo. We really appreciate their curiosity about our cultures and I am really happy every time I share things about my country. Living in a huge city like Istanbul comes in a contrast with our new reality. Although I thought It will be difficult to adapt easy in a small city like Caiazzo, I could say that living in a city like this giving us the opportunity to get to…
[:en]Time uncertain place still Caiazzo[:]

[:en]Time is passing so fast and I am still trying to understand something’s about my life and about this culture. I am feeling free otherwise I am thinking so much thing about myself and my future. I realized my experience not only about this culture also I am learning and I am listening myself. When I decide to do EVS, I couldn’t expect all this thing. Every day, I am grooving, I am learning and also, I am touching to other people lives and this…